The Boise Music Festival line-up is complete 🔥Baby Bash joins Robin Thicke, Echosmith, Granger Smith, Parmalee, and Mat Kearney live from Expo Idaho on June 23.

This year's performers bring everything from Country music, Pop, R&B, to Rhythmic. Baby Bash brings the party atmosphere with him and plans to things LIT.

Bash was here a few years back and has a ton of fans that follow him from the Treasure Valley. There is no doubt that this guy will be out and in full form that ENTIRE weekend. Baby Bash doesn't typically just fly in for shows and leave. You can expect to see him all over the Treasure Valley meeting fans and getting ready for the Boise Music Festival.

Bash and I are fellow Texans and he most recently lost a home due to the tragic hurricane that slammed the Gulf Coast. I grew up in Houston and it was underwater. I remember swimming in the streets after bad thunderstorms. That was typical and I'm sure those photos were just a snapshot of what happened. I spoke to Bash afterward and his typical positive attitude, "We lost a home nephew but we're safe. We're blessed."

I'm not sure where Baby Bash will slot in the June 23 line-up but this one of those performances that get things LIT 🔥


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