It's far easier to hit on someone behind a keyboard--right? Time to think about what there is to say and a shield from a weird reaction that will make you feel like you just said something crazy?  Well, each week, hundreds of people right here in the Treasure Valley regret NOT approaching someone in real life. In fact, they regret it so much that they throw up a Hail Mary and post a missed connection.

That's where I come in, each week. I've taken it upon myself to hopefully help YOU find love. Or maybe a friend... do you know any of these people? Here are this weeks BEST missed connections!

I came in to get a sandwich and was completely caught off are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!! You were very kind with a wonderful personality! I'm not sure if you'll ever see this, or if you're attached but if you do please get back to me!

We exchanged many glances, I was with her, you were with him. We had a moment as we crossed paths in the hall by the restrooms...a strong desire. Should we explore it a little more? J, hope you see this, what was I wearing?

I've seen you twice at the same Albertsons but couldn't get to you to say hello or see if you had a ring.
Blonde hair, maybe 5'4" about. Tattoos and either gauged ears or large white earrings.
I like your style, say hi or tell me you are attached so I don't embarrass myself next time you catch my eye at the store.

To the blonde beauty that was crying during a couple of Garth brooks songs. I was the guy two rows in front, blue plaid shirt, with my daughter. We locked eyes several times before I had to go. I wanted to get your contact info but didn’t want to
Bother you after I saw you were upset. I hope you’re ok and will get ahold of me :)



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