How do I find bridesmaids for my fiance? A co-worker's fiance doesn't have any close girlfriends or sisters to be in her wedding so he is trying to figure out how to fill her side of the wedding party. 

This couple is truly the cutest. They are the nicest people and have been together since high school. The two do everything together and are seemingly the perfect couple. He proposed to her and she, of course, said yes. He's already got his entire groomsmen lineup (of several guy friends and family members) and they are talking bachelor party. She, on the other hand, has nobody. Literally. The bride doesn't have close girlfriends, sisters or female cousins. Now what?

Our co-worker (the guy getting married) is now trying to recruit people to be his fiance's bridesmaids.

This got me thinking: How DOES she find bridesmaids?

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