October 11, 2014 | 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Additional Information

What is zombie walk you may ask? Well, its an event taking place near Halloween time. A large group of people ranging from infant to elderly, gather together dressed as zombies and we shuffle, limp, waddle, crawl or just plain walk the streets of downtown Boise,ID. The walks started in 2006 and have gotten bigger and better every year after. In 2010 Lora (Queen of the Dead) joined to help create unforgettable walks. Starting in 2011 Lora became head of the organization and Kim, Seth, Troy, Jayme and Levi have joined the BZW team since then! We have contests and prizes after the walk. We have had 7 amazing years of walks so far. We provide fun filled games for all ages. We hope that one day we will hold a record for most zombies in a gathering.