July 19, 2014 | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Ann Morrison
1000 North Americana Blvd, Boise, ID 83706 United States

Additional Information

Please join us in spreading awareness of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and supporting two great organizations that helped save our triplet boys' lives. THE EVENT IS FREE! But we kindly ask you to make a donation in supporting our two charities for this event or bid on some amazing items in our Silent Auction.
Proceeds and donations will be evenly distributed between two foundations; Fetal Health Foundation and The Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation.
Each of these foundations work diligently to provide support and assistance to families affected by this syndrome and the adjacent issues resulting from TTTS, as well as provide information and funding for research. They are both 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.