Casting Spells.  Dueling with your friends. Searching for Hippogrifs. All I can say is...YES PLEASE.  I've yet to download Pokemon Go and let's be honest, I probably won't.  No lie, I'm curious, but I'm holding out now only because I said I would be the last one at the radio station not to play it.

Growing up, Harry Potter was my jam!  I read all of the books, had all of the movies, the entire Harry Potter series stretched my imagination growing up and I've still got a soft spot for it!
Ok, so Harry Potter GO isn't a thing just yet...but there is a petition to get it going.  I've signed it and I feel like if you love(d) Harry Potter, you should too. Hufflepuff is way cooler than Jigglypuff...right!? Sign the petition HERE.

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