The last 24 hours have been extremely sad for people across the country.  50 people are dead and another 53 people are fighting for their lives in Orlando.  You have an opportunity to do something to make someone struggling with the aftermath of the shooting smile today.

To be honest, I've had to turn off the news because the aftermath of the largest mass shooting in American history has been hard to watch.  I personally am not a member of the LGBT community, but I was doing the same thing as the people at Pulse nightclub were on Saturday night.  Dancing, singing and celebrating life at a nightclub that has felt like home to me since I moved to Boise.  Maybe you don't go to my bar because you don't like country music and feel like you don't belong there.  You go to another bar because you feel like you don't have to pretend to be anything but yourself there.  I have no doubt that the people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando on Saturday night because it felt like a safe place where they could be themselves and have fun with friends. It breaks my heart that something like this could happen in a place meant to bring people together and feel included, the same way that it breaks my heart when I think about the Boston Marathon bombing, Sandy Hook, 9/11 and Columbine.

As people cope with this act of terrorism on American soil, I encourage you to do something to make someone smile today.  They may be going through more than you think so smile at a stranger, buy the person behind you at Dutch Bros a coffee, send your grandfather a Father's Day card that will get there by this weekend...just perform some random act of kindness.  You could make a difference in their day.



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