In October, we introduced you to the Anderson Family and their daughter Hannah's struggle with a blood disease called ITP.  A few months later, they've received the best news the possibly could heading into the final days of 2016!

Hannah, a Mountain View High School student, was hospitalized in July after a headache revealed she had a condition called ITP, an immune disease that causes low levels of blood platelets that help your blood clot.  She spent most of the summer in a coma in the St. Luke's PICU before being transported to Salt Lake City to begin rehab and physical therapy.  Always resilient Hannah handled her PT like a champ and was released to return to Boise a few days before Christmas!

Her dad, Ryan, shared this video and some pictures of Hannah's reunion with her family and friends with us! If you were one of the people that stopped by the pancake breakfast benefitting Hannah in October, the Andersons wanted you to share in their special Christmas miracle!

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