Today is the day of the Pink Moon (or the Wind Moon). It’s about the changes in nature that take place this time of year. Spring. Blooms. Blossoming. New growth. New life. Similar changes can happen in your life. 

The full moon happened, here in Idaho, at 12:08 p.m.

More and more flowers are starting to bloom adding color to the outdoors (including pink). With regrowth everywhere, it’s natural to focus on new and exciting things coming your way.

Last month’s full moon was the celebration of the rebirth of springtime and this month’s moon pushes us to take an active role in the changes we’re experiencing.

The spring season is nature showing off how strong it is. It was able to survive the dark, cold winter and come back with the growth of beauty. You, too, survived winter – how will you thrive?

What’s one thing in your life that you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off? Are you wanting to ask for a raise? Move in with your boyfriend? If the timing feels okay (don’t force it), put those changes in motion.

There is a catch, though. You’ll need to consider the retrogrades happening this month. We’ve got four:

  1. Venus
  2. Saturn
  3. Mercury
  4. Pluto

VENUS: This love planet will turn direct on the 15th. Until then, guard your heart.

SATURN: It’s in retrograde right now. This is a time where your plans (though properly thought through) might be thrown off. Just keep moving forward with care but move slowly. Still go after what you want but, until August 25, save your biggest risks.

MERCURY: This is a time of miscommunication so choose your words wisely. You’ll only have to do so until May 3 – so, less than a month. If you can, avoid any binding agreements or signing contracts.

PLUTO: This starts on the 20th. If you’ve been passive in life lately, this could actually be a good time for you as it’s an opportunity for empowerment.

This is everything that surrounds the pink moon, my friends. Are we ready to take on this challenge of new life where we carefully choose our words, take control of our destiny but not commit to it through any contract or agreement? I’d say this is a perfect time of year. Once the 15th comes and goes, you’ll be able to open up your heart a little.

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