What if you never had to cook a meal again but still got all the nutrients you needed to survive?  It may be a reality sooner than you thought!

If you're like me, you may go through these phases where absolutely nothing sounds good to eat or where you get home from work late knowing you have to eat something to make it through the evening, but just don't have the patience or energy to make dinner.  These are the nights I end up at Tree City Smoothie, sucking down a Peanut Butter Power as a meal.  There's a techie geek in San Fransisco that thinks he has a better solution to these problems.

Rob Rhinehart hasn't indulged in a lunch, dinner or snack for two years.  Instead, he's been enjoying a powdered, lemonade-like drink he created called Soylent.  After some research, he narrowed down 35 nutrients he thinks are required for human survival and integrated them into his concoction.  How's Rhinehart feeling without food?  He tells The New Yorker, that he's got whiter teeth, thicker hair, clearer skin and his dandruff is gone. He thinks Soylent will help show the separation between eating for function and enjoying a meal for social purposes.

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