#CaitlinIsLife is a phrase I see often. In fact, it's on my refrigerator and I look at it every day. The hashtag crosses the cover of a funeral pamphlet from last summer when I lost one of my best friends in Spokane, Washington--Caitlin Breeze.

A lot has happened in the last year and it is always crazy to realize that a full year has now passed without being able to send stupid Snapchats or texts to. just this morning, I realized this weekend last year, we lost her.

Caitlin wasn't even 21 years old when she passed away last summer in a tragic boating accident on Lake Coeur d'Alene.

It's going to be a tough weekend, but Caitlin was one of the happiest people I've ever met and more times than not, she was the one helping ME through tough times. Knowing that, I'm going to do my best this weekend to have a little extra fun, a little extra tequila, and laugh a little extra loud...I don't think she would want me to celebrate her any other way.

I'm sharing this with you because losing a friend isn't easy and up until Caitlin, I've never had to deal with death. More times than not, we get so busy in our day to day lives and it's important to stop, take a breath, and somehow let those closest to you know you appreciate them.  I know I'll be doing that this weekend, and I hope you do to.

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