Boise Pride

Pride Parade Photos
Pride Parade Photos
Pride Parade Photos
I can say without a doubt that Saturday was the most colorful day I've ever seen in Downtown Boise!  Thousands flocked DT for the Boise Pride parade, festival and block party!
'Best Small Town Pride' is Boise
'Best Small Town Pride' is Boise
'Best Small Town Pride' is Boise
19 million people will be seeing how Boise does Pride. Expect a lot of attention to our city as we celebrate diversity and acceptance. It's now officially Pride Week and you'll start to see it around town.
Thousands Gather for Boise Pride Festival 2016
Thousands Gather for Boise Pride Festival 2016
Thousands Gather for Boise Pride Festival 2016
Less than a week after the mass shooting at a gar nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Boise's PrideFest took place on Saturday, June 18. Thousands turned out to celebrate the progress made by the LGBT community over the past year and show their support for gay rights and equality...

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