I'm so happy that the new Netflix Series Tidying Up came out recently. Do you even know how much smoother my life has gotten? Do you know that me posting this will commence in a, "I read your blog today, really?" Yes, really!

Tidying Up is the new Netflix special with Marie Kondo that has given me hope to get rid of all our old stuff. We finally get to flush out the old baby clothes thanks to little Marie. Now, it's either donate or make that money back and Idaho's Largest Garage Sale is your spot 🎯

Don't tidy up all your clothes, put them in bags, and store them in the attic for a later time. Like anything else, these clothes depreciate and you will get less for them later. Sooner or later vintage [insert video game] tees won't be okay to wear in public.

different pattern shirts and beautiful summer women fast fashion blouses
Credit: Thinkstock

Gather up everything you have decided to get rid of and place with labels on garbage bags. Get with neighbors and instead of having a Spring cleaning block sale for the 50 - 75 that might stop by while you sit in your garage ALL DAY. Do that or purchase a booth for $30 dollars with a crowd of 10,000 by late afternoon. That is if you still have stuff left!

Idaho's Largest Garage Sale will host Storage Wars, Dave Hester this year. That means a large crowd which also leads to more sales for YOU. Dave will be signing autographs and taking photos with everyone that afternoon.

So, if you don't plan on donating get a booth this year. ILGS is a fun event, kid-friendly and thousands of people will be in front of your booth. Just stand and sell 🚨

  • Expo Idaho
  • Saturday, May 18, 2019
  • 7:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
  • Garden City, Idaho 83714

I've created a link below with seller information, buyers information, and everything you need to know about the 12th Anniversary of Idaho's Largest Garage Sale with special Storage Wars guest host, Dave Hester.

Watch this video from the Netflix special I was talking about with Marie Kondo. Everyone should see this and act upon it asap! Marie makes tidying up an emotional experience and that's why she has the #1 show on Netflix. #impressive

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