In 2009, two men were convicted of murder for gunning down 19-year-old college student TK Hancock in Memphis, Tenn., but that didn't stop them from making rap videos in their prison cells.

According to WMC Action News 5, the two convicted murderers-turned-rappers, Lavino Horne and Leterpa Mosley, were ultimately found guilty of making the videos and for smuggling in a smartphone, a very serious violation in prison.

The victim's aunt, Belinda Hatcher, said she couldn't believe the two men were seemingly enjoying themselves behind bars.

"Prison is not what it's supposed to be," she tells WMC Action News 5. "If they're in prison having fun, making videos and music, something is wrong. [My nephew was a] very outgoing kid, very smart, always willing to help anyone who needed help."

The young man was murdered while sitting in his car during a robbery attempt. At the time he was a sophomore at the University of Memphis.

Tracy Hancock, the victim's sister, said her family was just turning an emotional corner and was starting to feel better, but the news of the prisoners making rap videos renewed more hurt feelings.

"It's kind of like reopening a wound," she explained. "We've grieved for five years, [we] are trying to let it go, and all of this pops back up again. It's just hurtful all over again."

However, this wasn't the first time the inmates were found with a phone in prison. The two men were previously caught and penalized on three separate occasions, but only received fines not exceeding more than $5, which is practically a joke.

"I can't visit my brother, I can't call him, none of that stuff, and then they're making videos and getting phones," said Hancock. "I mean, you know, that's just not right."

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