How many of us have wondered what would happen if we ever decided to pursue our dream job? For some young men, it's playing in the National Football League. For others, it may be serving in the military or as a first responder. However, most Americans eventually grow tired of pursuing their dreams and settle for the regular security of a nine-to-five job.

Professional wrestler Manny Lemons is the exception to that rule. Mr. Lemons travels the country with his wife pursuing his goal of working in the big time as a professional wrestler. What began as a dream for him has flourished into a successful wrestling promotion based in Salt Lake City called Devotion Championship Wrestling. The group is so dedicated that the promotion itself grew during the pandemic.

Mr. Lemons will be performing this Saturday as part of the Idaho Wrestle Club's Show.


One and Not Done

Devotion Championship Wrestling was supposed to be one show. Mr. Lemons was traveling the country honing his craft, but his family didn't have the opportunity to see him perform. He tells us his grandmother was his biggest fan. Although he didn't expect a local show in Utah to draw many fans, he was surprised by the response. "It was in December 2018, the show was quite a success, and then we did another show that drew over 500 people."

His wife was so convinced of the success of professional wrestling that she asked Manny to train her. Reka Tehaka is now a professional wrestler working for Women of Wrestling. The pandemic was a challenge for both Manny and Reka as they left Utah for the opportunity to train in Georgia. "We moved to the Nightmare Factory in Georgia, and through that venture it created an opportunity. We didn't stop."        


The Big Time

Mr. Lemons has wrestled for Ring of Honor, Impact, and AEW. However, those appearances are not without a cost. His car has over 250,000 miles on it and has already had to replace the engine. He remains committed to the cause. "I'm entering my prime, and I'm still going large and in charge." He says once you see wrestling in person, you're hooked for life. "Once you experience it you're hooked for life. You can't fake it, it's real."   You can listen to the entire interview with Manny below.    

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