trick or treat

How Boise Can Help Kids Around the Globe This Halloween
How Boise Can Help Kids Around the Globe This Halloween
How Boise Can Help Kids Around the Globe This Halloween
There is nothing a kid loves more at Halloween than getting a pillowcase so heavy and full of candy that they have to drag it home, and at the same time, there's nothing a parent loves more than having some sort of healthy benefit from that huge sugar stash. This idea is a win-win.
What It Means if You See a Blue Halloween Pail in Idaho
What It Means if You See a Blue Halloween Pail in Idaho
What It Means if You See a Blue Halloween Pail in Idaho
The trend has been gaining momentum over the past few years and is now pretty widely recognized. This is great awareness for a few reasons. First if you have someone come to trick or treat that looks to old to be participating with a blue pail and second if you have a child that comes by they may have a hard time for various reasons, excitedly shouting "Trick-or-Treat" like others. Blue pails are a great subtle indicator that these cuties deserve extra smiles and yummy Halloween treats.

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