weight loss

Dear Kekeluv, Why Am I Fat?
Dear Kekeluv, Why Am I Fat?
Dear Kekeluv, Why Am I Fat?
I got an email from a woman who is wondering why she can't shed the pounds. Jaimie wants to know why she's fat. Who decided what fat is? Here's my response to what so many people go through and tips to fix.
Let's Lose Weight Together
Let's Lose Weight Together
Let's Lose Weight Together
I would suggest everyone watch the new television series; This is Us. I think like Parenthood, this show has something that appeals to anyone watching. The uniqueness of this series is how one storyline constantly flashes from the past to future...
Tawsha's Check In
Tawsha's Check In
Tawsha's Check In
I've discovered when and why I give up on every other diet because I did it again this time. The only difference is that I actually got back on track. I'm a wreck sometimes but I'm trying to keep it real.
Tawsha's Check In
Tawsha's Check In
Tawsha's Check In
It's the good the bad and the ugly. My mental game has been raised to a new level and I've noticed something about crossing my legs. Have I lost weight? Yep. A lot.  
Tawsha's Check In
Tawsha's Check In
Tawsha's Check In
It's not easy but it's simple. There are so many reasons I said "yes" to Idaho Fat Loss. It's time. My weight was holding me back and emotionally weighing me down.