Once upon a time I was the first child to ever take a box turtle to see Santa at my local Petsmart.  As an adult, I'm really thankful I have a cat to take this time! 

As a child of the 90s, it shouldn't surprise you that I was one of those kids that got sucked in by the Gigapet craze of '97. I kept my Barbie Precious Kitty named "Sud" alive for over 250 days.  Unfortunately, the batteries started to die and Sud reset himself while my parents were babysitting him.  They felt so bad and I'd shown enough responsibility keeping Sud alive that long, that I could finally have a real pet. Adamantly opposed to me having anything furry, they got me a box turtle...which I proceeded to take to see Santa at Petsmart that Christmas. Why? Because I finally had a pet and I could!  Santa told me that I was the only person who ever brought a box turtle to visit him. (My dad still has the photo somewhere.)

As an adult, I got a cat and I think Dakota is secretly jealous that he's not the pet in the Christmas ornament, so I'm taking him to get some even better professional holiday pet portraits done!

Dakota in his Christmas sweater!
Dakota in his Christmas sweater!

Dowdy's Automotive in Meridian is hosting a FREE holiday pet portrait on Saturday from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. to benefit the Idaho Humane Society! Just bring your furry friend to Dowdy's shop at 18900 S Meridian Rd, Meridian and they'll give you a FREE digital copy of your pet's holiday photo. For every single pet photo taken at the shop, Dowdy's will donate $5 to the Idaho Humane Society!

They're even providing you with holiday treats and refreshments!  So put on your ugly sweater (and your pet's ugly sweater) and join me and Dakota for a photo shoot!

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