We all have issues we are trying to deal with but rarely feel like we have the correct answers for ourselves.  When it comes to other people's problems, we are experts. What problems do you need resolutions for? Group Therapy Thursday is your answer. 

Group Therapy Thursday started based on your emails and Facebook messages. We were getting a pretty healthy stack of situations that needed resolutions. It was everything from drama within a relationship to money problems to conflict between friends.

The problem? We don't have all the answers and basically stumble through life. This is where you come in.

We are hoping you can share your personal experiences, advice and life lessons in a group setting. You're always welcome to comment on our Facebook page or call us at 384-1035.

Are you looking for group therapy? Sit back and tell us your story.


Here's an example of a situation:

My best friend (like, since we were 5) got engaged just about a month ago. I am so excited for her and her fiancé is such a sweetheart. A couple of weeks ago, my bestie asked me to hold on to her engagement ring and said that if her fiancé asked, she lost it. That was the story she was telling him, too.


The ring is hideous. My friend is borderline embarrassed to wear it and is trying to get something new. This has nothing to do with a diamond, it’s the actual design and there are multiple colors. I mean, it’s bad.


I’m feeling super-guilty about how this is all playing out. Should I just keep my mouth shut and stay loyal to my bestie or should I do the right thing and tell her fiancé?

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