Don’t Miss the Supermoon Tonight, It’s Gonna Be Huge
Did you miss the Supermoon? What about the Full Worm Moon? Don't miss out because it's happening this week and the forecast should be nice just for that Instagram shot.
What should you expect? Let's not overthink it. Go outside until Wednesday and you should see a bigger moon 🌝
I saw this in my feed and was glad to know I still have time. I grew up wanting to attend space camp and be an astronaut, true story. I grew up in the heart of Texas miles from the Houston Space Center. I still remember going on tours during special field trips looking at NASA up close. I would love to go back considering my astronaut dream didn't really go as planned. I joined the United States Navy though ⚓️
There is something magical about being out to sea looking at the stars with no lights in sight. Tonight you can do sort of the same in your front yard. The weather should help us out but some might deal with some clouds. Regardless, grab some photos because the Supermoon should be massive.
If you miss tonights that's okay because you have till Wednesday. Miss that? The next one will be visible on April 7, 2020.
NASA Science has a great website where you can learn more about everything in the Solar System. Technology makes it easier to click and scroll around the atmosphere. My son loves this app I have called, Skyview. Lennox takes my phone and walks around holding up learning about the different things in the sky. That Skyview is a must-have!
If you get some cool photos send them to me in the DM.