Coke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sCoke Releasing New Flavor That's Been Around Since Early 1900sThe flavor first surfaced clear back in 1905. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
18 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 202418 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 2024Pour one out for these drinks because it appears they're all gone for good. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.The drink made its original debut in Mexico in 1938 and will soon be more widely available in the U.S. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled The drinks actually had sugar in them even though they were labeled "zero sugar."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Do You Miss One Of Washington's Favorite Drinks? Do You Miss One Of Washington's Favorite Drinks? Uncover the changing landscape of beverage choices, from traditional cola brands to the latest energy drinks and sports beverages.Kevin MillerKevin Miller
One of Utah's Favorite Drinks Is Gone ForeverOne of Utah's Favorite Drinks Is Gone ForeverFind out why one of the most popular drinks in the country is being pulled from the shelves. Kevin MillerKevin Miller
One of California's Favorite Drinks Is Gone Forever One of California's Favorite Drinks Is Gone Forever Find out which drink is going the way of so many popular drinks that were removed from grocery stores. Kevin MillerKevin Miller
One of Idaho's Favorite Drinks Is Gone ForeverOne of Idaho's Favorite Drinks Is Gone ForeverSoft drink industry evolves as PepsiCo discontinues Mountain Dew Energy.Kevin MillerKevin Miller
Selfie Coke Bottle is ComingSelfie Coke Bottle is ComingYea I said it! Say hello to the new Coke bottle that has a camera built into the bottom for sick selfie action. This ISN'T a joke.KekeluvKekeluv
Share a Coke CaravanShare a Coke Caravan103.5 Kiss FM teamed up with Coke and Walmart to bring Santa Clause to town, today! Laughs were shared, and pictures were taken. Check out all the photos above. 1035 KISS FM1035 KISS FM