A Call This Morning That Reminded Me Happiness is a Choice
My morning began with a call from a mom who lost her daughter less than a year ago. #shattered #destroyed #blessed #fortunate #strength #admiration #sad
We've been adjusting positions at 103.5 Kissfm over the last few weeks. Lucky The Dj hosts afternoons beginning at 3 p.m. and Mateo at night starting at 7 p.m. This shift allows me to focus on building an amazing morning show (still looking for co-hosts #cohostwithkeke). My morning starts with kissing our sweet boy goodbye, letting out the dog, locking things up, grabbing a Black Rock Coffee and turning on the mic. This is a very raw show right now as I get back in the swing up my phone alarm going off at 4:15 a.m.
I took a took a bit after 7 a.m. from a listener and I love to meet new people. I'm always very interested in who someone is and what that life looks like on the other side of the microphone. I really care and if we every talk - that's who I am. This woman was very interested in how our son was doing because she'd followed his progress on social media.
Sidenote: We were so close to losing him from a ruptured ulcer. We spent a few weeks in the hospital and his first Christmas hooked up to a machine. He would be in and out over the next year. He's doing wonderfully now (knock knock on wood.)
I explained to her that our son is allergic to dairy, soy, and gluten. We think that all the hospital visits were just a result of everything else and it was my wife's intuition that saved his life. That is when she said how familiar she is with the hospitals. I feel guilty to be in tears typing this but it really was a gut punch when she said her daughter passed recently. She was our son's age and I just went back to those nights almost immediately remembering what happened. The difference is our son was fixable and her daughter wasn't. This woman was so strong on the phone and I was so impressed by her passion to become a nurse. She uses her daughter's memory to motivate her excellence in class to be the best she can.
I asked her what advice she would give to another parent who could be going through something or could in the future.
"Go with your gut. follow your heart. Be your kid's advocate and remember this - NO DAY IS A BAD DAY UNLESS YOU LET IT BE."
I was thinking about her story all day and thought about a few things. Every choice we make has consequences. Your decisions effect the people that surround you too. She could have easily gone into a dark place, shut down, and quit. That's not what she did. This amazing woman will go on to help save lives on the front lines in those hospitals that we drive by every day. We have choices. You have choices. We have to decide whether we're going to live or just exist. This great listener of ours decided to not only live but THRIVE. There is a fire inside all of us if we choose to light it up.
Let me thank her here in my forum and let everyone else know that no matter what's happening, "NO DAY IS A BAD DAY UNLESS YOU LET IT BE."
This is a video of my wife reading to our sick son in the hospital over that scary Christmas. This is what I called the epitome of strength and just being a damn unbelievable mother.