Maybe you've recently relocated to Boise, Idaho. Maybe you're noticing the beautiful foothills, the vast selection of fantastic restaurants, and the friendly people.

What you may not have noticed are the cyclists on the road whizzing by you at (what feels like) 100mph, almost taking out one of your limbs.

Well, some people are taking notice, and they're putting out a warning to Boisians who decided to travel by bicycle.


Citizens in Boise are asking for a change to county code which would require bicyclists to travel in a "reasonable" manner on the Boise River Greenbelt.


Walking the Green Belt is a right of passage in Boise. It's calm, peaceful, beautiful, and shouldn't have to involve you diving in to the bushes to avoid being mowed down by a cyclist racing down the sidewalk.

So, what happens from here? At the time of this writing, not much. Meetings have been had, hearings have taken place, but no major concrete changes have come that would force those traveling on the Greenbelt by bicycle to slow down.

If nothing else, be careful. Be aware of your surroundings. If you are on a bike, please wear a helmet. Even if you're traveling slowly and safely, this writer nearly lost a dear friend to a low-speed cycling accident. Please, please be safe out there.


Looking to enjoy the outdoors on foot instead of by bike? Honestly, you couldn't be in a better place in the world than right here in Boise for some amazing hiking opportunities:

The 6 Best Hikes in Boise

Get these hikes in before fall!

Gallery Credit: Shannon Buccola

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