Charles Bramesco

On Emmys Red Carpet, Shailene Woodley Cops to Not Watching TV
The noted TV actress stated her preference for reading while at the show where they give out awards for TV.

This ‘Stranger Things’ Pop-Up Bar Will Freak You Out
Through the end of September, fans of Netflix’s sci-fi/horror series can have a drink in the Upside Down.

Amy Schumer Appears in ‘Judge Judy’ Background Just Because She Can
When you’re famous, you can do whatever you want! Like hang with a celebrity judge!

It’s Official: ‘Star Wars: Episode VIII’ Is Titled ‘The Last Jedi’
We’ve got 11 long months to go before anyone will get a look at Star Wars: Episode VIII, so Lucasfilm has tried to pace itself with leaking details of the hotly anticipated upcoming release. Today, however, they dropped a big one: on the official Star Wars web site, a new announcement revealed the subtitle for the eighth installment in what the site refers to as “the Skywalker saga.” The post declared, “We have the greatest fans in this or any other galaxy. In appreciation of the fans, we wanted them to be the first to know the title of the next chapter in the Skywalker saga: STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI.”

John Legend and Ariana Grande to Team Up for ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Theme Song
Because we tend to think of him more commonly as “slick neo-soul songbird” or “La La Land’s chief threat to the integrity of jazz” or “husband of Chrissy Teigen,” it can be easy to forget that John Legend’s got an Oscar under his belt. The musician and composer took the golden statuette for Best Original Song with his original tune “Glory” from Ava DuVernay’s thunderous Martin Luther King biopic Selma, and ever since, he’s been Hollywood’s go-to guy for poppin’ fresh (is that still what the kids are saying?) theme music. And today, a new announcement from Disney reported by Deadline lines up Legend’s next big gig.

Jennifer Lawrence Is Going Deep Undercover to Play Fidel Castro’s Lover in ‘Marita’
Academy Award-winning actress and chronic over-faller Jennifer Lawrence has played her fair share of femmes fatale, even at her relatively green age of 25. There was Ree Dolly, the hardscrabble femme from Winter’s Bone who proved decidedly fatal to the unfortunate squirrels she hunted and skinned with her bare hands...

Channing Tatum, ‘Furious 7’ Declared Everyone’s Favorites at 2016 People’s Choice Awards
If the Oscars are like the electoral college, selecting the cream of the crop through an arcane and confusing process available only to an older, white, male elite population, then that makes the People’s Choice Awards the popular vote...

Armchair Film Critic Barack Obama Names His Favorite Movie of the Year
It’s hard enough for film critics without Barry O. snatching up our freelance gigs, but President Obama and the First Lady weighed in with their choices for 2015’s best film.

Check Out James Gunn’s Awesome ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Coffee Table
The director, a regularly active user of social media platforms Twitter and Facebook, took to the web last night to show off one his one-of-a-kind interior decor. Specifically, he posted a couple photos of his coffee table, a custom-made piece designed to look just like the Awesome Mix cassette tape so cherished by Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill, a.k.a. Star-Lord, in Guardians of the Galaxy.

No ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Post-Credits Scene, Says J.J. Abrams
Q: What is the best part about getting a thing of fast-food french fries? A: Believing you have finished your cheat-day treat, only to discover that there are still a few stragglers with a pulse left in the bottom of the bag. This phenomenon might illuminate a bit of the logic behind the recent proliferation of post- and mid-credits scenes in studio blockbusters, the practice in which a film squir