One of the things that I love most about the Treasure Valley is that we get all four seasons. While living elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, I quickly learned that we're unique in Boise.  We get a blond and distinct winter, we get a very wet spring, a beautiful fall, and yes-- a strong, hot summer. Not every city or region in America can say that.

Boise and the greater Treasure Valley LOVES their ski trips. Yes, it's October and YES--it's a little early. However, while Bogus Basin has began snow-making procedures on the hill, you can actually venture up this weekend.

From 11:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the evening this weekend, Bogus Basin will be opening a hike park for snow fanatics. Access is free and you can hike on up and enjoy a few boxes, jumps, and rails.

Going on Saturday? The hill says costumes are welcome!

By the way--if you're a lover of all things winter to an extreme, perhaps you could get paid to be at Bogus? The ski hill just announced they'll be hiring over 400 employees and you can be one of them! See the information, below:


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