Bogus Basin Opens For Early Access This Weekend
One of the things that I love most about the Treasure Valley is that we get all four seasons. While living elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, I quickly learned that we're unique in Boise. We get a blond and distinct winter, we get a very wet spring, a beautiful fall, and yes-- a strong, hot summer. Not every city or region in America can say that.
Boise and the greater Treasure Valley LOVES their ski trips. Yes, it's October and YES--it's a little early. However, while Bogus Basin has began snow-making procedures on the hill, you can actually venture up this weekend.
From 11:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the evening this weekend, Bogus Basin will be opening a hike park for snow fanatics. Access is free and you can hike on up and enjoy a few boxes, jumps, and rails.
Going on Saturday? The hill says costumes are welcome!
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