Duck, Duck, Swan: Idaho Announces First Swan Hunting Season
Today we're seeing news from North Idaho that is both surprise and historic! According to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idahoans may now hunt for swans!
I'm not sure that I know the difference between a swan and a goose--at least, I didn't until today. But here we are, reporting this potentially exciting news. The hunting season, for swans or "waterfowls" will be the first of its kind in the State of Idaho.
The season, should you be interested, starts on October 19th of this year. That is in just a matter of days. Hunting swans isn't legal EVERYWHERE, though. You're going to need to make sure you are in Benewah County, Bonner County, Boundary County, or Kootenai County.
The season will end on December 1st and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game says that the daily limit is just one swan. A swan tag is required to hunt and according to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, about 50 tags were issued.
Here are some more swan hunting rules:
- A Swan Tag is required
- Migratory Bird Permit is required
- Federal Migratory Bird Stamp is required
- Shotgun capable of carrying NO MORE THAN 3 shells is required
- Nontoxic shot is required
- No person can take swans while they have on their person, a shot loarger than two tenths in diameter
- Within three days of the killing of the swan, the hunters must present the swans carcass for a check and report.
For some rules are regulations, click HERE.
Not knowing much about swans, I searched for YouTube's most watched swan videos. See them, below:
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