Let's do another festival Boise! The Goathead Fest is back this weekend with a launch party, pedal parade, and festival.

What is a Goathead?  Let's start off by saying it's a pain if you've never encountered it while cycling around the city. My first experience was getting stranded in Downtown Boise with a flat tire and no idea why. Hence, Goathead.

The Goathead is a small seed like, poky, prickly little thing that punctures anything in its path. I get them all the time when running and somehow they creep inside my shoe on the edges. How is that even possible? Step on one in your socks and expect to react like walking on glass (that might be a bit extreme).

Boise will come up with any reason to create an event and that's what Goathead Fest has become.

Goathead Fest

  • Friday, August 2, 2019 - BGF Launch Party, 5 p.m.-9 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 3, 2019 - Pedal-Powered Parade, 10 a.m. registration with 11 a.m. launch.
  • Saturday, August 3, 2019 - Boise Goathead Fest 12 p.m.-5 p.m.

What REALLY is a Goathead Monster? Let's get a professional look at these punctured pricks!

Check out the calendar of events and everything else Goatheads. I give them an A+ on creating a weekend of events over Goatheads!


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