The title of this post maybe a little misleading for most of us, but does have some truth in it. KTVB reports: 

A new bill (585) would prohibit anyone convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from possessing a firearm for two years following the conviction.

House Bill 585 would make anyone already convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence unable to posses a firearm  for two years following their conviction. This is another positive step forward for the state of Idaho. Taking a gun out of the mix of people who have been convicted of domestic violence is a very smart thing to do.

Democratic Rep. Melissa Wintrow of Boise is quoted in the report as saying "women are five times more likely to be killed if a gun is present in a domestic violence situation."

I personally support this bill. Having worked our annual Child Abuse Awareness Event Live For 175 for so many years I've learned that Child Abuse and Domestic Abuse often go hand in hand. I believe that removing a weapon from the house will also remove it from endangering children in the same household.



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