Idaho Mothers Can Trade Tobacco For Diapers
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare seems to have come up with a pretty unique yet compelling concept to try and decrease the tobacco in homes of families with children--trading the tobacco for some diapers.
I feel like over the years, more and more people have given up tobacco addiction. I remember when places like the Nampa Bowling Alley were smoker friendly! Going there was never fun as a kid, for that reason.
In honor of Mother's Day, an idea for moms all around the State of Idaho has been proposed, with a huge incentive. In fact, you may even be able to call this offer a challenge! You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the prices on diapers are HIGH. While I don't have kids myself, I know these are NOT cheap and they really are a necessity when you have a little one. Then again, tobacco isn't cheap either. What do diapers and tobacco have to do with one another? Well, the honest truth is that they shouldn't be tied together at all. This is where the "challenge" comes in.
In conjunction with Project Filter, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare are urging mothers to change their families life--forever. Any mother willing to give up smoking, vaping, and/or chewing tobacco for good can receive up to an entire YEAR'S worth of diapers!
To participate in the program, you can reach out to your local public health office OR call the Idaho Care Line at 1`-900-926-2588!
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