This writer can't think of anything more intrusive, more trust-breaking, or more slimy than what you're about to read. Just a heads up.

When you visit a doctor, it's expected that you'll be assisted in one way or another to cure what ails you. Maybe it's medicine, physical therapy, or even a simple change to your diet. What you don't expect is that doctor to break their oath and go beyond the limit of what is and isn't appropriate between a doctor and patient. Which is sadly exactly what this doctor in question did.

On Monday, Boise police arrested Doctor Stanley Waters, an orthopedic surgeon and Eagle resident, with good cause. They were carrying a warrant for two counts of misdemeanor sexual battery. Numerous victims have come forward, claiming he touched them inappropriately during visits to Americana Orthopaedics in Boise.

The supposed criminal was booked into the Ada County Jail, where he was bailed out soon after. Unfortunately, we don't have any further information regarding what kind of trial Waters will face, and when that could be happening.

The worst part is that authorities believe there could be even more victims who have yet to step forward. If you have information that could add to the case, you're being asked to call non-emergency dispatch at (208) 377-6790, or visit the Crimestoppers website at

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