Idaho’s Favorite Curse Word Is Lame And We Should Feel Bad
If you had to guess, what would you say is the most popular curse word in the state of Idaho? And no, it's not "Californians."
Idaho residents are big fans of one cuss word, but is it really even a cuss word at all?
WordTips put together a map that includes the curse word of choice by state, and we're honestly surprised by the results. At least, we are for Idaho.
Before we dive into Idaho's results, you're probably wondering "Well, what about California? Oregon? Washington?"
Well, that's easy. Because all three of those states share the same go-to cuss word:
Yep. The f-word is a fan-favorite of those western states, in addition to Michigan, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and others. However, Idaho doesn't fit that mold. Like, at all.
Idaho's favorite cuss word is....crap.
Yes. Crap.
We're not sure why, or even how, but Idahoans tend to use the word "crap" more than any other expletive in the English language. Is it because we're so polite here? We're not trying to offend anyone? We're worried the swear police may be waiting right around the corner?
We're honestly not sure, but as far as the results for Idaho go, this survey feels like a big pile of crap.
Want to dive in deeper when it comes to America's favorite cuss words? We don't f****** blame you! This s*** is the t*** when it comes to swear words.
P.S. Only Kansas, Indiana and Illionois have mother f***** as their favorite cuss word.