Coronavirus or more technically known as COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on life as we know it. The death count in the State of Idaho alone is growing, positive cases of the viruses are growing, the news cycle simply isn't stopping and if one thing is consistent, it's the uncertainty of what happens next.

Some of us are blessed enough to still be employed through this "storm"-- many, cannot say the same. I have friends all over the Treasure Valley that work in the service industry who are struggling right now simply because restaurants and bars cannot legally be full-functioning or in some instances, open at all.

I mentioned last week that a virtual tip jar exists online for you to be able to tip your favorite bartender, waiter, or barista. Now, locally made Party Animal Vodka is stepping up to spearhead an effort to help those same unemployed folks from the service industry, out.

With a lofty goal of $30,000 the GoFundMe page has already brought in hundreds. The funds, managed by Party Animal Vodka will be distributed to verified staff members of local bars and restaurants via their managers communication with the company.

If you or someone you know could use the help and qualifies, the funding page says:

If you have been affected by COVID-19, please contact your manager to include you on their list of recipients. Managers, please email NO LATER THAN 11:59PM ON SUNDAY 4/5. All we kindly ask is please only include those in need, with no other source of significant/livable wages. That way we can dedicate more funds to each person that need it to live.

How much money have you saved by NOT going out, as a consumer? Consider that coffee you may be skipping or the shots you aren't buying on the weekends, and use some or all of that to help out fellow community members, HERE.

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