It's back again this year and your help is needed more than ever: Make-A-Wish of Idaho's 'Wishes in Flight' telethon!

Each year, Make-A-Wish Idaho puts on this great event which helps accomplish so much of their mission--gathering up flight miles! If you're unfamiliar with the organization, the team based in downtown Boise is really a group of miracle workers.

Most often, folks think that Make-A-Wish grants 'final' wishes to children and that isn't the case at all--these wishes being grated are for kids that are battling serious illness and it's tough to think that the wishes being granted aren't a part of the healing and battling process.

Many of the wishes that come in from kids here in Idaho require travel--which is a large expense for the organization. This is why airlines allow Make-A-Wish to receive mileage donations and these miles don't expire! With the cost of flights covered for wish kids and their families, Make-A-Wish can then fund the rest of the trip with money that has been raised via other events or corporate sponsorship. Donating air miles is EASY--and it costs you nothing! You can donate any number of your miles--or all of them!

One of our favorite things about Make-A-Wish is that EVERYTHING donated stays right here in Idaho--every last cent and mile funds Idaho wish kids.

Want to help? CLICK HERE.

This year, the organization's goal is to raise 2 million air miles and $20,000 dollars!

Here's a look at some great local non-profit organizations that are always looking for some help, as well! 

Need a Tax Write-Off? Donate To These Awesome Idaho Nonprofits

💰BOISE, Idaho. If you're an Idahoan in search of a Charitable Contribution Donation that actually makes a difference in our state, look no further. Detailed in the gallery below are 10 Idaho-based 501 (c)(3) your purse has the power to uplift!

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
-Winston Churchill

Click on each image to be directed to the nonprofit's website. Click here for a comprehensive list of Idaho charities.

Help: Idaho Non-Profit Big Brothers Big SIsters Needs Volunteers

These Lost Dogs Are Hoping Their Owners Find Them!

If you haven't seen your pet in a while--odds are it might be checked into the West Valley Humane Society and waiting for you to come bring it home!

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