Miller’s Mission Returns to Treasure Valley
It's the season for giving thanks, spending time with loved ones, and giving BACK to those less fortunate. For those in the Treasure Valley, it is as if this just comes natural-- it's in our DNA to look out for one another because that's what makes the magic of our area build up and come to life. A native to our area and a graduate of Bishop Kelly High School, I have been lucky enough to witness first-hand the impact that can be made by giving time, a dollar, or....a turkey!
Because of the giving spirit of our community, the Treasure Valley has a uniquely high amount of amazing charities, causes, and non-profit organizations that make a difference in the lives of thousands, daily. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to decide which to give to, how to give, or where to start. With the holidays upon us, the options are more ample than ever and I would like to appeal to you on behalf of one exceptional cause that stands out among the rest for just a few more days.
Each Fall, Kevin Miller of our sister station KIDO Talk Radio camps out and LIVES in the parking lot of the Nampa Wal-Mart, located on Franklin Rd. This isn't a stunt or an attempt for attention on himself, but rather a grassroots MOVEMENT drawing attention to the poor, marginalized, needy, and less fortunate of our community. The work Kevin Miller puts in each year is unparalleled and not only is the cause--The Boise Rescue Mission--a worthy recipient of this work, but the passion put behind this week-long effort inspires and propels far beyond the Thanksgiving.
Miller's sole message is: give a turkey, don't be a turkey. Today I dropped by and noticed turkeys could be purchased for as low as $8-- a simple addition to many of our grocery lists. Just pick up a turkey and drop it by the big tent out front.
Interested in a monetary donation? Ask your cashier how to do so from the checkout stand!
Kevin will be set up at the Walmart on Franklin Road in Nampa until Saturday, November 23rd at 6:00 p.m.
Happy Thanksgiving, Treasure Valley-- and cheers to a joyous and selfless holiday season.
Learn more about Kevin's efforts and the work of the Boise Rescue Mission, HERE.