Popular Sitcom Star Announces Boise Event at Morrison Center
Breaking News from the Morrison Center this afternoon has fans of this popular actor very excited!
A Look at Dwight Schrute, Headed to Boise
Are you a fan of Dwight Schrute?
A release from The Morrison Center this afternoon has tipped us off to an appearance from Rainn Wilson--known for his star role as "Dwight Schrute" in NBC's "The Office".
The Office is by far one of the greatest sitcoms to ever air on American television and it continues to be one of the MOST streamed shows on its respective platforms. The internet nearly broke when news came out that it would no longer be on Netflix.
While "Dwight" won't actually be on stage in Boise, it's hard to separate "Dwight" from the real life version, Rainn Wilson.
If you didn't already know this, Wilson is actually a lover of literature, philosophy and philanthropy-- and that's what this event is all about at The Morrison Center. Put on by The Cabin, a local center for readers and writers--this event will be an intimate conversation and reading feature. The stage will be shared with Reza Aslan, a renowned writer and world religion expert.
You can expect the event to be intriguing, funny, and philosophical-- it's a conversation you aren't going to want to miss!
Interested in Tickets? The direct link to Ticketmaster is HERE.
Learn more about the event & The Cabin, HERE.
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