Today's quote is a tragedy if you miss it because this one little quote could change the rest of your life. These words might have just changed the way I think about every day now.
This quote is coming mainly from myself to every SINGLE person that's reading. I could give this dual props and lets couples use it too. Happy frigging Valentine's Day!
They say that kids make you feel younger and maybe that's why I've always felt closer to children than adults. Today's quote is a reminder of WHY it's important not to lose that bond.
Today's quote is somewhat of a cute tutorial for you kids as well. Have you ever wanted to TEXT Santa? Check out my quote and this Kissclusive app they will love.
Big snow last night and more to come as Treasure Valley temperatures hover in the single digits. What now? Stay inside or have fun outside? This quote should with our son and his first snow angel should answer that question!