The Most Popular Christmas Movie Set In Idaho Feels Wrong
Every year around the holidays, the same types of questions regarding holiday movies tend to spring up:
- What's the best Christmas movie?
- Which Christmas movie is the funniest?
- Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?
Those have been done to death, and we're moving on to more intriguing pastures.
Namely, what's the best Christmas movie set in each state in the U.S.?
Thankfully, some research has been done, and we have some answers. As you'll read in a moment, however, we're taking issue with the "Best Christmas movie that takes place in Idaho."
Before we tackle that, let's see how our neighbors fared. According to, the best Christmas movie that takes place in Oregon is A Bramble Home Christmas. Which, for the record, this writer had to Google to figure out what it was. Washington fared a bit better with Sleepless In Seattle, and Nevada clocked in with The Christmas Cabin.
Decent choices at best, it feels like. And that feeling continues when you find out what movie was given to Idaho.
According to the list mentioned above, the best Christmas movie that takes place in Idaho is...
Here's the issue: It's not a Christmas movie. While the film's opening cinematic does feature some basic Christmas imagery, that's it. The movie doesn't take place during the holidays, and it just overall doesn't have that Christmas feel to it.
This writer is a venomously diehard Robin Williams fan, but this is far from his best movie. We couldn't give Mrs. Doubtfire or Flubber to Idaho? I mean, they're not Christmas movies either, but it feels like that doesn't seem to matter anymore.