There are some things that are just BOISE.  If you've been around the Treasure Valley for a while, like I have, you know this--it's part of our language. I fly my flag as a local often because I truly believe we here in the Treasure Valley live in the greatest city in the world.

Does the word "Robie" mean anything to you?

Growing up here in the Treasure Valley, "Robie" was a part of my childhood. Not to brag or anything but my dad is kind of a stud. I couldn't count on two hands how many races he has ran-- 5k's, half-marathons, full blown marathons--both here in Boise and as far away as Boston! Of course, no matter how big the race or how far from home-- ONE stood out as the most fun: The Race to Robie Creek.

The Race to Robie Creek is no joke-- it's well known regionally as the toughest half-marathon in the Northwestern United States.

Obviously, due to COVID-19, the race last year was canceled.  You could say that this year, the race is "canceled" again in a physical sense but it WILL be living on in a virtual capacity.

Let's be honest, not everyone is trained and ready for a full blown race to Robie Creek. If it has been a goal of yours, this could be your chance to really get ready for that. Since the race is virtual, participants will be able to hit their 13.1 miles HOWEVER and WHEREVER they want. Consider this your dry run for a challenging course, next year! There also won't be a cap on registrations like there are during in-person years.

Use this as an opportunity to partake in a Boise staple!

For more on the race, click HERE.

LOOK: A history of Black representation in movies


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