We Should “Avoid Trick-Or-Treating” According to the CDC
NOTHING has been normal this year. Of course, I don't need to tell you that. We're all living through this nightmare of a global pandemic together. While States, communities, and individuals alike all manage things differently, one thing is certain: we've never seen anything like this in our lifetime.
We've navigated several months of "shut downs" and more so far. We have seen concerts, graduations, parties, weddings, vacations, and even nightlife be completely canceled.
Halloween? Say it ain't so.
According to the CDC, trick-or-treating should be avoided this year.
We couldn't expect anything different...but there has to be a way to make it work, right?
Admittedly, even as a kid I was never a huge fan of halloween...but no trick-or-treating, to me, feels like the cancellation of an entire holiday!
To directly quote our governor, Brad Little, however:
"Halloween isn't in our constitution"
Ok, so maybe halloween isn't THAT important in the grand scheme of things but it appears that it's going to be discouraged.
That isn't ALL that the CDC is discouraging, however. Truck or treating, crowded costume parties, and even indoor haunted houses are all discouraged. I suppose it makes sense. NPR outlined those guidelines, below:
With bars open, we can all assume there will be a "halloweekend" in downtown Boise. Will you be partaking in anything OR staying in?
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