I know Keke just LOVES hearing me talk about my experiences at Simply Women's Health in Meridian (but seriously Stephanie, Daniele and the staff there is AWESOME and helped me through a major female health scare I was dealing with for years) so I'm sure he's gonna love hearing about Le Parcel...tampons delivered to your door monthly, without fail.

I stumbled across this a few months ago and after enough embarrassing moments having to ask other women around the station to borrow a tampon because clearly at 4:30 AM I'm not thinking clearly enough to throw enough in my car (I rarely carry a purse big enough for them,) I decided to sign up for my first package.   It's so brilliant that I'm almost angry that I didn't think of creating a service like this myself!

Here's how it works.  You log on to the Le Parcel website, pick your favorite brand of feminine hygiene products, then click how many tampons (and which absorbency you want, you can pick multiple ones,) pads and panty liners you want.  For $15 you'll get up to 30 pieces, chocolate and a small gift shipped to you monthly just in time for Aunt Flo's visit.  When I think of how much I spend on tampons and my PMS cravings (chocolate, tortilla chips and salsa...I don't know why on the last two...I can only imagine what I'll be like as a pregnant lady one day) each month, that's about on par with how much I normally spend anyway.  And you get a free gift too! Brilliant...it's absolutely brilliant!


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