12 Things That Idaho Should Give Up For Lent This Year
If you were walking around town or even just your office today, you may have noticed a stranger or colleague with a smudge on their face. You either "speak that language" or you kindly told them "hey--there's something on your face!".
Many Christian faiths observe "Ash Wednesday"-- a holy day or prayer, fasting, and penance which marks the beginning of Lent-- the six weeks before Easter. On Ash Wednesday, faithful will attend their respective religious services and receive literal ashes on their foreheads, symbolizing humility and penance--when they're applied in the Catholic faith, for example, the person administering the ashes will say "remember that you are dust and unto dust you shall return".
It is common, during Lent, for the faithful to challenge themselves to give something up or take up something new. This, of course, is a practice that anyone can do no matter their faith or lack thereof! We spent some time thinking: what could Idaho give up? We've got some ideas.
Alright, let's get into it...Idaho's lenten challenge!
A Look at 12 Things Idaho Should Give Up For Lent
Gallery Credit: Credit: Mateo, 103.5 KISS FM
How do you feel about these suggestions? Could you stand to have Idaho observe one or two of these?
All in good fun of course, we hope that you're inspired to do something different if not just for Lent--for yourself!
Oh, and if we missed any suggestions for Idaho, please tell us. We would love to add to the list!
Good on Lent? Maybe you can do us all a favor and do something great with this old church, instead!
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