Logan Laplante is 13 years old, and he has brought up a few great points in this YOUTUBE Video Ijust saw...watch it here>> (Hackschooling makes me happy). I had blogged about a tweet that a professor sent out a while ago, saying opposite of what this 13 year old said!
He is basically asking if schools these are teaching these kids about "Making a living" rather than "Making a life".
Which follows this quote from the late great John Lennon pthey erfectly (Above). I had a few responses from this "blog" I did about a professor saying..
It seems that these kids were "Stressed" about what is to come for them!This was a response to a previous blog (READ BLOG HERE) from a student in Boise. I can't tell which path she is on..
Its not just about asking to go to the bathroom. It's about the fact that, once we turn 18, we're expected to make decisions about our life, we're expected to know what we want to do. It's like we turn 18 and all of a sudden we have all the knowledge in the world and we should know how to live our lives without any hesitation. We have to choose between going to college or not going to college. If we go to college, we go into years and years of debt, but if we don't go to college, we're frowned upon and we're not expected to have any real success. When I was 17 I had to ask to do anything, and I was expected to ask because I needed the permission. We weren't allowed to stay out past a certain time, we couldn't buy certain things and we were treated like children. The minute we turn 18, though, we can buy lottery tickets, we can buy cigarettes, we can stay out as long as we want with next to no consequences. It's not just about asking to go to the bathroom. It's about the fact that we had to ask to do anything one day, and the next we're expected to take care of ourselves.
Are teachers/schools killing the creativity of these students? Watch this video, and tell me what you guys think! This has opened my eyes to a lot of high school moments, like when my "Art teacher" gave me an "F" .....a creative class, and in my mind it was because I was not good at Art. So, I quit painting and drawing.. Seriously watch this video!! Read This article! You tell me!

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