Boise Celebrates National Love Your Pet Day
Any day to celebrate the life of my dear Piccolo is a good one and lucky for me, today's is just that! If you're on any form of social media at all, you've probably seen TONS of #LoveYourPetDay and that's because apparently, today is that day! I wish I had known sooner, or I would have stocked up on more catnip...but, I digress.
If you've never seen a picture of my cat Piccolo that I'm always bragging can see her above. She's the sweetest animal ever, she's essentially a mini-me, she plays fetch better than any dog, and most importantly she's been my companion through a lot of ups and downs. Now, I say this having never been a pet owner until my last year of college...I never though you could LOVE a little creature like this! I'm so glad to have her and I know with as pet-savvy as the Treasure Valley is, this is totally relatable.
A quick search on Twitter proved me right--yes, Boise: you LOVE your pets. I dug through and found a few of my favorites, you can check these out below!