Did you see the billboard located on the drive into Downtown on the morning of Aug.13th that read “Black & Brown Folks Built This Country / (And We’re Doing It Again) / Join Us Or Get Out Of The Way.”? Lamar the company that owns the billboard has taken it down despite it being a paid ad.In an interview with ktvb activist/organizer Tanisha Jae Newton said "they are radically unapologetic about it".

“This message is for folks within impacted communities to know that people recognize them and see them and their power,”

Lamar posted this message on their Facebook page:

Yesterday, we mistakenly displayed an advertisement on one of our Boise area billboards. Had we properly vetted the copy through our sensitive copy approval process, we would have rejected it. Unfortunately, due to employee oversight, the proper procedures were not followed in this case. Once management was made aware of the situation, we immediately removed the ad. Lamar does not endorse the content of the ad, and we apologize for our error in displaying it. We are currently reminding our managers across the country about our copy acceptance procedures to ensure that any and all sensitive copy is reviewed and vetted properly in accordance with Lamar’s policy.

In your opinion is this billboard doing more good than bad?





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