Donate a Turkey to Families In Need This Thanksgiving
As temperatures drop and holidays loom here in the Treasure Valley, for many families it's stress that builds. Will we have enough for the holidays? Can we make ends meet, have a nice dinner, and afford gifts for our kids? These are stresses that, unfortunately, all too many of our neighbors have each year. It's good work by charities and individuals in our community alike that make things easier for these folks.
All this week, my friend and colleague Kevin Miller of KIDO Talk Radio has been camped out and literally living in front of the Nampa Walmart on Franklin Road for his annual effort to raise funds and turkeys for the Boise Rescue Mission. The Mission is one of Boise's longest standing charities and helping hands to those in need--helping and feeding thousands of people a year. Of course, their good work can't be executed without a little help from the community. Kevin Miller steps up year after year doing his part in promoting and directing funds and food to the Boise Rescue Mission.
You could call Kevin and I the "odd couple" here at Townsquare Media Boise but if there's one thing I've learned about Kevin, especially over the last year of our friendship, it's that his drive to help is so authentic. Talk about someone who does this for a REASON-- his efforts and care go far beyond "going through the motions" of "just another charity effort".
If you and your family or friends are looking for a way to make a difference in our community, dropping a turkey off at Miller's Mission in front of the Walmart (5875 E Franklin Rd, Nampa) would be such an appreciated act. With Boise Rescue Mission on site as well--even a cash donation will be accepted. The efforts end at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow, Saturday, November 17th.
Drop by, make a donation, or just wave hello and show some support--it would mean a TON to me and even more to those in need this winter.
For more, click HERE.