Thirteen thousand dollars can buy a nice used car, It can furnish a home, it can even pay for a years worth of rent on a $1000 a month apartment. More than likely we've all seen it in a movie or heard about someone on the news finding a large amount of money. Typically it's somewhere far away and while the story may get your attention you don't think much about it.

This time it's different because the scenario played out right here in the Treasure Valleys backyard. Apparently a contractor stopped to buy some items at the Mountain home Walmart and while putting the items in his vehicle he placed an envelope containing thirteen thousand dollars on the bumper. After securing the items he drove away and the envelope with cash was left behind.

What happened next is the honorable part. Carlos Gomez who works at a nearby diary picked up the envelope and turned it into the Mountain home Police. Check out Mountain homes Councilman Brads Stokes  FB post...

Brad Stokes

 "Outstanding Service Award to Carlos Gomez! Mr. Gomez went above and beyond in turning in an envelope he found (containing ~$13,000) to the Mountain Home Police Department. What a great example to set for all our citizens and public servants! Thank you Mr. Gomez and Lieutenant Larsen!
UPDATE - yes the owner of the envelope was found by MHPD! 😁👍"

Can we be honest for a minute and answer the question as if no one was watching? What would you do? What would you do with $13k of unmarked bills? What would you do with $13k of untraceable cash? asking for a friend... hahaha

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