Hey, Idaho. Are You Voting This Year?
We're sure you're fully aware of this, but we're just a few weeks away from our next presidential election. It's our opportunity as Americans to make our voices heard, and cast our vote for the person we each believe should be the next leader of the free world.
So, why did so many Idahoans skip out of voting entirely back in 2020?
If 100% of Idahoans voted, the state could easily be flipped from Red to Blue, or back from Blue to Red.
In the 2020 general election, Idaho had approximately 1,300,000 eligible voters. Meaning, Idaho citizens who are of the legal age to vote.
Knowing that, how many voters do you think showed up to the polls to cast a ballot in 2020? Well, it's probably less than that.
Around 599,500 ballots were cast in Idaho in 2020. Carry the two...and that means only 57% of Idahoans voted in the 2020 presidential election.
You're reading it correct. Just over half of all Idahoans voted in 2020.
If you're one of that 43% of eligible voters in Idaho who didn't vote in 2020, why not? Are you planning on casting a vote this November during the presidential election?
Even before she was in the limelight during her current presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris has had connections to the hip-hop world for a minute now.
Here's some of Kamala Harris' biggest hip-hop moments, so far:
See Vice President Kamala Harris' Biggest Hip-Hop Moments
Donald Trump also has the support of some members of the hip-hop community, who've spoken out lately with their support. Here: