I just spent a few hours with my co-host in the premiere of the Will Smith and Martin Lawrence movie, Bad Boys for Life. Whoa. I was physically with my dude but if felt like I was riding shotgun for sure.

The only reason I went was that I heard about this ScreenX technology and had to witness it for myself. It takes a few seconds to adjust but what a great experience.

I remember when I saw my first 3D film and was blown away by how realistic everything was. This is different because films using this type of technology will be surrounding you in a 270-degree frame.

What's that really mean? You're surrounded by what's happening in the film. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence open the movie in a car chase style atmosphere which definitely has you spinning for a few seconds.

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Welcome to the world's first multi-projection theatre technology that provides almost a full 360-degree viewing experience at 270 degrees. This takes "riding shotgun" to the next level!

The movies that play on these screens are specially designed to give you the most amazing experience ever. This makes sense considering people just aren't going into movie theatres anymore. It's about time we've seen a screen upgrade that drives people back into the theatres and Regal is definitely taking a shot at that. I can't go to another movie that isn't in a ScreenX or 3D feature because why would you?

ScreenX is more than what you see because I was still completely taken by surprise even though I knew what to expect. If you look at these photos you have to remember where you might be seated. I was sitting in the middle and had to completely turn around to see no more screen and that was only directly behind me. This is great versus the video of Aquaman in the standard screen versus ScreenX.

The movie cuts in and out of this mode. This could be phenomenal for those action style films and you might even see some live concerts that do a better job at putting you in the front row.


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