Idahoans Impacted By Facebook Data Leak
Your personal information should remain exactly that: personal. In a day and age when everything is in the cloud, online, and accessible from one of the many screens that we have around us every single minute of the day--it's pretty tough to remain private sometimes. Your information is worth a lot to advertisers and others--so how can you stay off of the theoretical "map? Well--easier said than done.
I am sure by now you have seen the news-- a massive data leak from Facebook impacted MILLIONS and many of those impacted are right here in Idaho. In fact, I'm one of them. If I'm a part of this breach, odds are that you are too.
The data leak made a grand total of 533 million personal records available online. That is more than the population of the entire United States of America. It's worth the two seconds it takes to check to see if your data is secure
There is a website that will allow you to enter your email address and / or phone number to see if your data has been leaked.
Not only did I learn that I was a part of the Facebook data leak, but my information also showed up on a Canva data leak and a very old Pandora data leak.
Cybersecurity experts say when you catch these types of things to change your passwords, increase the level of security (maybe two-factor authentication on someplace like Facebook) and watch your personal data closely.
Want to check YOUR security? Click HERE.
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