Idahoans Rejoice! Another LGBTQ Villian Is In Trouble In Idaho
We don't always take ourselves seriously when writing articles. Sometimes they're for fun, to inform, or just provide a quick smile. Today's article, however, is serious.
Idaho's Most Wanted
This writer (and the team around me) has zero tolerance for any kind of discrimination against the queer community. If you have a problem with someone being gay, or a lesbian, or transgender, then you're the problem. Simple as that. Moving on.
Matthew Alan Lehigh, a 31-year-old Boise man, attempted to run over two people while driving his car. According to the indictment, it was motivated by the victims' sexual orientation. While Lehigh hasn't been proven guilty (yet), we're hoping to grow more fingers to keep them all crossed.
If found guilty, Lehigh faces up to 10 years in federal prison. Where he won't have access to a vehicle with which to attempt murder.